As I sit at my computer writing this post, streams of tears trickle off my chin and my heart is heavy with sadness. Julia Tarter, a friend, fellow Young Life leader and Student Ambassador was called home to the Lord on Saturday- just six days after an accident involving her car. The three characteristics I used above only described Julia, they did not define her- and anyone who knew Julia would agree-
only Jesus defined her.

I vividly remember meeting Julia about a year ago, the day before classes started. I was hanging out with my friend Erin and she said "Lets go see my roommate from last year, Julia." So in typical Milledgeville fashion we walked over to the White House, where six of our friends live. I remember sitting on the floor of Julia's perfectly Pinterest-ed room eating a grape slushie from Dairy Queen. As she danced around the room telling Erin about the exciting summer she had experienced at WinShape Camps as a counselor, joy poured out of her words and her smile. That was my first impression of Julia, and one that I will never forget.
Khloe & Kim, Halloween 2012 |
Even though I only had the privilege of knowing Julia for just one year, she quickly became a close friend of mine. We shared a love of coffee and talking fast. We bonded over our cute-yet-douchey environmental science professor, studying together the night before tests which really turned into us talking about things that were
not at all
school related. One particular night we sat on the floor of her room for a few hours talking about life, Christ, and of course, girly stuff. That night I got a true look inside Julia's heart and found only one thing-
Jesus. Her
love for Christ was
evident in every single thing she did. Even on Halloween, when we had the brilliant idea to dress up as the Kardashians. She almost backed out at the last minute- because she was scared she was going to send the wrong message to people by dressing up as a trashy reality TV "celebrity." Well, Julia, I think you made a great Kim K.
She embodied
1 John 3:18 (
Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth) in her everyday life, whether it be showing the gospel to her Baldwin girls or loving on her Phi Mu's, or being a light to our Student Ambassador Team. She put her heart and soul into everything that she was involved with, and that is what made Julia so special. You see,
everyone that met Julia loved her deeply. That is probably why the news of her accident spread like fire. Immediately people began rallying around Julia with prayers. In six days, I witnessed people come together at the feet of Jesus like I had never seen before. I saw a closer community form within our friends, and I saw weeping friends begging for miracles. We knew that this would be a
win-win situation- either Julia would be
restored on this earth and she would continue to eat Nutella and jam to T-Swift with all of us; or she would be
fully restored in heaven. Our prayers were that she would be fully healed, and on Saturday morning, she was. She is now
home. Not home in 221, that was her
temporary home. She's in her
eternal home, and I really hope that there is burlap and light blue paint in heaven.

I cry because there are so many things I wish I could say to her right now. I cry for her family, and her sisters who lost their baby girl. I cry for the Baldwin High School girls who lost a beloved leader. I cry for her friends, who can no longer share a cup of coffee with her. I cry for our Young Life area, because we have lost a
light in our community and a beautiful voice in our Sunday night leadership worship time. I cry because I already miss her stank face and 221 pride. I cry as I struggle to write about Julia in the past tense.
But, I also I smile. I smile because Julia is teaching Jesus her dance moves in heaven right now! I smile when I think about the hundreds of lives she has touched during her 20 years on earth, including mine. I smile, because this tragedy has pointed so many people towards Christ, and Julia would
love knowing that. I smile because Julia's joy is still present on this earth. I smile because I saw the face of Jesus Christ in Julia every single day. And now, she gets to look at Jesus Christ every single day, face to face, for
I smile when I think about Jesus meeting Julia at the gates of eternity with a hug and a cup of coffee, saying "
Well done, my good and faithful servant."
Julia, if you're reading this in heaven (do they have iPhones up there? I sure hope so.) Sorry for sleeping in your bed last week and not washing the sheets.
Also, Julia- because you touched my life, I will never be the same.
Thank you for that.
Love you, sweet Julia girl.