1. Summer classes stink. Seriously, who even thought that summer classes would be a good idea? Did they hate the world? Why did I think summer class would be a good idea? The only good thing that came out of this summer online statistics course is that I spent a lot of time (money) at Starbucks studying and listening to lots of Green River Ordinance. Also, I am done with math forever. Victory!
3. I really love Milledgeville. I loved it before too, but anyone who has stayed here in the summer knows what I'm talking about. I love $2 Tuesdays at Asian Bistro, a lot of down time to watch movies, and the Mocals. I love the afternoon rainstorms and mini adventures that include friends and sunflowers. Milledgeville has the best sunsets in the world. Seriously. Summer in Milledgeville has helped me appreciate the little things in life, like afternoon slushies and walks through campus. This place has become home to me. There is something special about this town!
4. I love driving. I think I have put more miles on my car this summer than all the years I've had my car combined. But it's been worth it. Driving somewhere means hopefully going to spend time with people that I love. I particularly loved my Monday morning commute from ATL back to Milledgeville. 441 is really foggy around 7:00 AM, which makes for the best sunrises. Driving also means jamming out to Ben Rector at the top of my lungs. I have yet to shatter a window.
5. I don't think my future career plans include working in an office. I don't think I am cut out for sitting at a computer for the rest of my life. I am thankful that this summer has taught me what I don't want to do with my life. There is not too much more to say about that. I'm not sure how my coworkers felt about me making snowflakes out of paper, either. Or little people out of paper clips.
6. Being alone is okay. I have always enjoyed alone time, but I became anxious at the beginning of summer about having too much alone time. I love my friends- and sometimes suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) when I am not with them.Yes, I missed not being with all my friends this summer. But alone time was honestly the biggest gift this summer. I learned (yes, learned) how to truly relax without worrying about what everyone else is doing. I learned how to be still, content and calm with my present season of life.
7. People are kind. Like the man who filled up my gas tank on my way out of town at the Shell on N Columbia. And the police officer who didn't cite me when I rear ended a girl named Brittany. Thanks guys! You are both too kind.
8. I see Jesus here, too. I see him in the people I work with, in the few friends that were here in Milledgeville with me, and in the sunsets. I see him in the people I lead orientation with. It was hard for me to grasp that I wouldn't be serving at a camp this summer, that I wouldn't be seeing Jesus in the faces of those campers and staff. But guess what? He is everywhere in the summer, not just at camps. How cool!
Well, two root canals, one summer class, 10 forty hour workweeks, one car accident, a week in Ohio, a new apartment and 4 orientations later....summer is almost over. I survived #summerinmilly, and I am thankful for that.
Friends, come back to Milledgeville. I have missed you!
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