As Thanksgiving is almost here, I have been thinking about what I am thankful for and what it truly means to be thankful. This summer I read one of Ann Voskamp's books, One Thousand Gifts, where she describes what life can be like when we embrace daily thanks-giving, or eucharisteo. The Greek word eucharisteo is another word that means giving thanks, and one that she used frequently in her book to describe a full, thanks-giving life. I started to learn more about eucharisteo through her book and I realized how there was room in my life for a lot more eucharisteo.
There was plenty of room for it.
Because I want to live my life without complaints pouring from my mouth. I want to be thankful for the little things, thankful for the big things and everything in between. I want to be thankful for bad days, good days, days without sunshine and days with tears. I'll be the first to admit that complaining is easy. But I don't want complaints any longer. I want to fully embrace thanksgiving, not just this week, not just on Thursday, but every day.This weekend I had the opportunity to reflect more about eucharisteo and what it has looked like in my life since this summer. I am a work in progress. I always will be, because there will always be more room for eucharisteo in my life. But I have grown to see that eucharisteo leads to a full life.
I want my thanks to Him to overflow from my heart first and my mouth second.
I want to be full of thanks, all the time.
I want eucharisteo, all the time.
I am thankful for weekends where commitment doesn't exist, but my sweatpants and my couch do.
I am thankful for good friends who see me at my worst but love me anyway.
I am thankful for crunchy leaves, long walks and pancakes.
I am thankful for a Lord who is abundantly good, all the time.
"The real problem of life is never a lack of time. The real problem of life - in my life - is lack of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving creates abundance; and he miracle of multiplying happens when I give thanks -'s giving thanks to God for this moment that multiplies the moments, time made enough. I am thank-full. I am time-full." -ann voskamp, one thousand gifts
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